PLEASE NOTE: This vessel is owned by a client, and it is NOT FOR SALE.
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Sort the comments below by OLDEST to see a chronological timeline
of the work we have completed so far.
A client from Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia brought his Air Nautique 206 in for an overheating issue and for a few other updates. We'll be working on it over the next couple of weeks, and will enjoy having it at our facility!
Final cleaning is happening right now, and it'll be on its way home.
We have buffed most of the boat, and we'll finish it up tomorrow. Then it'll be ready to go home with its owner.
Engine cooling system is all reassembled. We ran it on the hose this morning, and after a successful test there, we took it to the lake. Happy to say it is staying nice and cool now!
We also replaced the faulty temperature gauge, and it is working great too.
We decided to go ahead and replace the end caps on the heat exchanger. They were a little out of shape, and the gaskets were failing.
Well, after frustrating ourselves for a while trying to figure out this overheating situation, we finally pulled the heat exchanger today. We had opened up one side of it before, several weeks ago, and it was clean. We couldn't remove the other end cap with it installed on the engine, but we thought it was clear. When we finally removed the heat exchanger today, planning to have it boiled out at a radiator shop (or maybe just replace it), we decided to pop the other end cap off. There we finally found the problem. Impeller bits from a failed impeller had lodged in the exchanger, blocking at least 25% of the flow. We removed as much as we co…